
10 Most Memorable Outdaughtered Moments Ranked

The Busby family has had some memorable moments captured on OutDaughtered. Over time, the family of eight has shared their lives onscreen, showing the good and bad throughout the years. It isn’t easy reigning in all the chaos under one roof with six girls, but Adam and Danielle Busby have proven it isn’t always stress-free, but it is possible.

Adam and Danielle became the center of attention as the first couple to become parents to the first set of all-female quintuplets in the U.S. Since then, the world has followed their story as the quints made it home from the NICU. The couple had to learn to care for all of them, while still caring for their four-year-old daughter Blayke Busby and balance their marriage and careers in the middle of it all. Unsurprisingly, when the cameras are rolling with children, no one knows what’s going to happen, and that’s part of what makes OutDaughtered such a relatable and entertaining reality show.

The Busbys Disney Cruise

One of the most memorable and heartwarming moments on OutDaughtered was when Adam and Danielle took all of their daughters on a Disney Cruise. It was a magical experience that was captured, as the little girls had the opportunity to meet their favorite princesses. The excitement and anticipation they had on the trip was unforgettable, and the child-like wonder they had for the entire vacation was priceless. Adam captured the girls’ reactions behind the scenes as well, which he shared on his Instagram account.

The Busbys New House
Outdaughtered cast wearing matching outfits
In a concerning and scary episode of OutDaughtered, Adam and Danielle found themselves needing to move out of their home after Ava Busby began having breathing difficulties. It was determined that there was mold in the home, and they would need to get the situation taken care of before stepping foot back inside. The Busby family was able to find a rental while their home was under construction. Their new home afforded them even more space with a big backyard and a pool. It was an opportunity they tried to make the best of despite their circumstances, and they had a memorable luau birthday party there for the quints.

The Busbys Visit Manhattan

Taking six little girls anywhere leads to a lot of unexpected moments, and it was no exception when the Busby family visited Manhattan in a special two-part episode on OutDaughtered. The trip itself wasn’t only an adventure, but Adam and Danielle had quite the experience getting the quints prepared for a television appearance on Good Morning America. Just getting out the door to get to the interview wasn’t an easy endeavor.

Hazel’s Eye Surgery
Hazel Busby in an up-close picture smiling and lifting up her glasses to see
It was clear to Adam and Danielle from an early age that Hazel Busby was having issues with her vision. They took her to the doctor to get answers, and when they found out that she was going to need eye surgery, it was certainly a concerning moment on OutDaughtered. It was a major surgery for Hazel, and Adam and Danielle didn’t know what to expect, but thankfully everything went smoothly.

Danielle’s Health Scare
Danielle and Adam Busby smiling and standing behind their quintuplet daughters
Danielle is the glue that holds the Busby family together, and when she started having health issues, it was worrisome for the entire family on OutDaughtered. She was experiencing debilitating migraines and heart palpitations, which led to her being in a lot of pain and caused her to start seeking answers from professionals. When OutDaughtered last aired in 2021, she was still going through various tests to find out what the underlying problem was and what could be done.

The Quints First Halloween

Halloween has always been a family favorite holiday for the Busbys, and it was no different when the quints were celebrating their first Halloween on OutDaughtered. It was quite the experience getting all five babies dressed up and ready for the day. Adam and Danielle frequently post on their Instagram page, It’s a Buzz World, and they have featured some of the family’s fun and creative Halloween costumes over the years.

Blayke & The Quints Birthday Party
Blayke & three of the Quints smiling at the camera sitting down with presents behind them
Throwing a birthday party for six little girls is no easy feat, and the stress, overwhelm, and extensive planning was captured on OutDaughtered. Blayke was born on April 5, 2011, and the quints were born on April 8, 2015, so Adam and Danielle decided to throw a joint birthday party. Not all the quints were happy campers, and Blayke was only five years old at the time, celebrating her birthday. Despite all the ups and downs, Adam and Danielle were ecstatic to celebrate their girls’ special day with their closest family and friends.

Adam & Danielle Homeschool The Kids
Danielle Busby standing at the kitchen table looking at her children with Adam Busby sitting in front of her.
When COVID hit, it changed everything for everybody, including the Busbys on OutDaughtered. During season 7, Adam and Danielle had to face the challenge of homeschooling all six of their daughters. They had to quarantine, which meant they even had to film the last episode of season 7 themselves. The unknown of homeschooling, along with birthday party planning and not being able to leave their home, made for a very memorable moment on OutDaughtered that was relateable.

Adam Returns To Work After Quints Birth
Danielle Busby looking shocked next to her mom and daughters
Bringing home the quints and learning to care for all of them while juggling Blayke’s needs was a new reality that Adam and Danielle had to quickly adjust to. Adam was there to help as much as he could, but he did have to eventually return to work, which posed even more of a challenge for Danielle on OutDaughtered. Thankfully, she was able to rely on her mom and twin sisters for help as she learned to navigate parenting in that new chapter of her life.

The Quints Go Home From The NICU
Adam and Danielle Busby in the hospital looking down at one of their quints in an incubator.
One of the most memorable moments overall on OutDaughtered was the very first episode of the season 1 when the quints were able to go home from the NICU. It was a scary and concerning time while the quints were in the hospital. Once they finally had the opportunity to go home, it was a relief for Adam and Danielle, who finally had their family all together.

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