Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Signs Gwendlyn Brown’s Ego Was Out Of Control (Will Garrison Brown’s Death Change Her?)

Sister Wives star Gwendlyn Brown has been dealing with difficulties throughout her life, but after tragedy struck, has life changed enough to bring her ego back down to size? Gwendlyn is the daughter of Kody Brown and his third wife, Christine Brown. While growing up, Gwendlyn and her many siblings were all brought up together, things weren’t always easy in the Brown family. Kody, who was married to Meri Brown and Janelle Brown before he was with Christine, wasn’t as present in Gwendlyn’s life as he could’ve been when she was young. Then he brought Robyn Brown into the picture.

Although Gwendlyn has been able to remove herself from the epicenter of the family in her adulthood, it’s clear that there have been lasting impacts from her childhood with so many siblings and such a difficult parent. Gwendlyn has spoken out about her experiences in the past, and though she’s well-adjusted in her adulthood, some believe she’s too comfortable sharing her past with the public. After the tragic passing of her brother, Garrison Brown, Gwendlyn’s relationship with her more public life may change entirely. Gwendlyn could be a whole different person the next time she chooses to post something publicly.

Gwendlyn Struggled With Her Family As She Grew Up
She Was Looking For A Sense On Independence

In her early life, Gwendlyn’s voice was likely drowned out by her many siblings as she tried to make her own way in a chaotic life. Her parents, Christine and Kody, had six children of their own, but Kody had a brood that was much larger than the average due to his plural marriage. Both Christine and Janelle had six children each, while Meri had one, and when Robyn joined the family, things expanded even further. Gwendlyn, who is the eleventh Brown sibling overall and Christine’s fourth child, had to fight through the noise of her siblings to be heard.

While Gwendlyn has been shown throughout Sister Wives exerting her independence, she had a lot of growing up to do before she could speak about what was happening in her young life. Though her parents were doing their best to give her a great life, Gwendlyn struggled with her identity, wanting to develop her independent spirit and deal with issues between herself and some of her siblings. As she got older, Gwendlyn did her best to speak the truth about her life in her younger years, and with a push from the Sister Wives audience, felt comfortable vocalizing her issues.

Gwendlyn Criticized Kody & Robyn Publicly After Moving Out
She Felt Comfortable Being Tough On Them
Sister Wives Gwendlyn Brown montage in hat purple background
After she left home as a young adult, leaving for college and developing her own sense of identity, Gwendlyn began to realize that she had more to say about her upbringing. Sharing her thoughts about her family online, Gwendlyn felt comfortable speaking about Sister Wives and the issues she’d experienced during her time on the show with the large audience of viewers. Though she wasn’t always explicit about private issues in her family, she didn’t mince words when it came to her experiences within the Brown family. Gwendlyn’s disappointments, especially with Kody and Robyn, were apparent from very early on.

After struggling in her youth, Gwendlyn shared that her issues with her dad and Robyn were more severe than many realized. Gwendlyn didn’t want to lodge allegations against her father that she couldn’t prove, but she spoke up about the behavior she’d dealt with from him in the past and shared how she felt about Robyn changing her family’s dynamics. When Gwendlyn came out and introduced her girlfriend, Beatriz Queiroz, to her father and Robyn, she made it clear that they had issues with her decisions. Gwendlyn was hurt when they, especially Robyn, tried to use her life for clout.

Gwendlyn’s Anger Has Been Obvious To Sister Wives Viewers
Her Discomfort Has Been Seen On & Off The Show
Montage of Sister Wives’ Gwendlyn Brown and Mykelti Padron, with serious and worried expressions
Although Sister Wives viewers were interested in hearing Gwendlyn’s perspective and wanted to understand her experiences with Kody, Robyn, and the rest of the Brown family, they also knew that Gwendlyn was angry. While Gwendlyn herself may not have realized the extent of her anger, it was clear from viewers who were watching her on YouTube and Patreon from the beginning that she had a lot of difficult emotions to process surrounding her dad and the way he chose to treat her. As she continued to share about her life, Gwendlyn did appear to be processing some of her feelings.

While she was going through the process of understanding where she sat in her emotions, Gwendlyn was publicly sharing her thoughts and making news with her unabashed opinions. Though Gwendlyn has every right to share how she feels, her decision to be deeply outspoken about her father and Robyn’s largely negative impact on her life has created a current disconnect in her relationship with them. Gwendlyn also felt comfortable criticizing other members of her family, like her brother Paedon Brown, whom she shares a very strained relationship with. Gwendlyn doesn’t care if she hurts some feelings in sharing her thoughts.

Gwendlyn Has Been Reeling From Garrison’s Tragic Passing
The Painful Turn Of Events May Cause Her To Reflect

Sister Wives' Gwendlyn Brown, with Christine Brown and David Woolley's wedding behind her
Although Gwendlyn’s relationship with her brother Garrison wasn’t strained, her feelings surrounding her other familial relationships may have been hard for him to swallow. After learning about his tragic passing in March of 2024, Gwendlyn has remained somewhat quiet online as she takes time to grieve and move forward. Though it’s likely that Garrison, who also had a tough relationship with his father and Robyn, was supportive of Gwendlyn sharing her truth, his death may have pushed her to be somewhat more reserved in what she’s open about online. Gwendlyn has been quieter since her brother’s passing, which is understandable.

As Gwendlyn has suffered likely the most difficult tragedy of her young life, moving forward will be difficult and understanding where to go from here will take time. In sharing her truth online, Gwendlyn generated a lot of buzz surrounding herself and her family that she may not be interested in doing again. Gwendlyn’s ego, which may have been large for a moment when she was gaining traction on her content where she shared insights on her family’s drama, has likely done a total and complete change as she’s spent time thinking about how Sister Wives has impacted her family.

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