Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Will Kody Go From Zero To Hero After Garrison’s Tragic Passing?

Sister Wives star Kody Brown’s going through the worst experience of his entire life – he’s lost his son Garrison Brown and pain may soften the patriarch… it could even turn him into a hero. For years, Kody’s been dragged through the mud. The meme-worthy star has been accused of almost everything, from being a narcissist to playing three of his wives (they’re now his exes). No one needed a redemption arc more than Kody, but no one saw this tragedy in the distance. It’s a horrible thing and something that’s hurt the show’s cast members – it’s made fans sad too.

Sister Wives season 18 showed the disintegration of a plural marriage. Sister Wives season 19 will show a family grieving a loss so profound it’s hard to put it into words. Parents give their children so much time, love and energy. When a parent loses a precious child, it’s like the world is ending. It’s the kind of pain that no one should have to feel. Kody loved Garrison although they were estranged when Garrison died.

Kody can’t be the same. How will he change, and who will he be once he begins to heal? That’s up for debate.

Kody Brown Used To Put Down Other People
Hurting Others Used To Make Kody Brown Feel Better

Sister Wives Kody with sons Garrison and Gabriel montage with electric current motif
Kody got a villain label because he failed to see his role in things. Instead of saying he was sorry, he played the bully. That’s why he seemed like a narcissist. A narcissist has a fragile ego and when it’s threatened, they’ll lash out vindictively. Being criticized will typically make a person living with narcissism enraged. To prop up their ego, they’ll project their own flaws onto the person they’re clashing with. Now that Garrison’s gone, Kody may find that he’s lost his taste for this sort of conduct. As per Duke Health, signs of narcissism include:

Sense of self-importance.
Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success.
Can only be around people who are important or special.
Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain.
Lack empathy.
Must be admired.

Back in the day, when Kody’s less-loved wives Janelle, Christine and Meri Brown would throw shade, he’d get revenge. Kody was definitely arrogant and insensitive. He once called the three women, who all share children with him,


Kody painted them as entitled, demanding and unreasonable. However, it was him who usually displayed those unpleasant traits. While treating Robyn Brown like a queen (of course, Kody was the king), he accused the other women of acting like royalty. This was way off base. For years, they hadn’t gotten love or much respect from him – if they uttered even the mildest complaints, he’d try to humiliate him. This tactic may have been used to try and silence them.

This stuff just wasn’t cool, but it’s Kody’s MO. He’s perfect and those who have a problem with him, no matter how valid their complaints are, will be characterized as very flawed individuals. Is it actually true? No, not at all.

Kody’s exes are good women. Look how Christine is thriving in a relationship with someone who loves her. There’s nothing wrong with her and never was! Janelle is grieving with so much honesty, grace and love – she’s a wonderful person. Meri looks amazing after a glam weight-loss transformation – she looks dramatically different after cutting ties with the patriarch.

All of this would suggest that the problem was Kody, not them.

Kody Brown May Start To Think About His Legacy
It’s Never Too Late To Change 

Maybe now that he’s lost Garrison, who tried to win his father’s approval in the clip above, he’ll begin to understand what’s really important in life. He could become a gentler man because he’s realized that life doesn’t last forever. Coming to terms with mortality isn’t easy and everyone has to do it. Life is short, and it’s a gift that can be taken away in an instant. How Kody treats others, including the exes he’s accused of parental alienation, is part of his legacy. He may want to change his reputation because he lost his child.

In the past, he dragged Christine for parental alienation with regard to Truely Brown, but Kody was the one who chose not to attend her scoliosis surgery. Kody has said bad things about his own children too. Onscreen, he once criticized his older kids (before Garrison’s passing). Kody told them:

“All of you are just kind of jerks.”

However, his son Gabriel Brown disagreed, saying that when he and Garrison tried to talk to their father about tensions caused by Kody’s strict pandemic rules, they were:

met with a wall.

Obviously, the problems in the family were really serious. It wasn’t just for show – it was more than heightened drama for the sake of ratings. Things were severely awry. None of it was being exaggerated – if anything, the issues were swept under the rug a lot of the time.

If Kody chooses to consider his legacy, redemption could be possible. Right now, he’s torn apart on Instagram. He’s perceived as the reason his family has experienced the most epic type of heartbreak. Fans should be feeling for him right now, as he’s a father who lost his child, but many of them are blaming him instead. One Sister Wives fan with spelling issues left a blistering comment on Kody’s Instagram after Garrison’s passing. They wrote:

You don’t care that your son is gone😡 Why didn’t you hjelp Jeanelle after he was dead???? I have never felt this much hatered to any person before🤮🤮🤮 Stop the show with Kody and film 3 wifes after leaving Kody.

Will Kody Become A Reality TV Hero? It’s Not Impossible
Kody Brown Could See The Light

Roby and kody from sister wives montage with brown and purple background serious expressions
To be a hero, Kody has to show Sister Wives fans that he does care about his kids. He needs to “put good credit after bad.” Years of feuds and estrangements have made Kody look like a difficult man. However, Kody may decide to reinvent himself. He’s been through something terrible that will alter his psyche forever. He might get closer to his other children and forgive his ex-wives. If that happens, it’s possible that Kody could be perceived as a hero someday. No matter what, he should try. His kids need him, and they’re hurting right now too.

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