
Two much-loved Hollyoaks stalwarts arrested and taken away in handcuffs in drink driving scandal author image Stephen Patterson

Diane, the current reigning landlady of The Dog in the Pond, will find herself busy beyond belief prior to the incident, with one task after another keeping her busy in Tony’s absence.

But despite her hectic schedule she’s determined to make time for Rose Lomax (Ava Webster), who wants to speak to her about something – under the agreement that she doesn’t tell anyone what it is.

Rose, as was confirmed on Monday (February 26), is questioning their gender identity, with Kitty Draper (Iz Hesketh) providing the support they need.

Diane, however, soon finds herself distracted when she returns to The Dog to see Cindy Cunningham (Stephanie Waring) and Suzanne Ashworth (Suzanne Hall) going at it just like old times, with a heated argument ensuing between the two.

Things soon escalate and get out of hand, with Cindy taking it too far when she throws a drink in Suzanne’s face!

Actor Nick Pickard, as fans will know, took part in I’m A Celebrity last year and thus was absent from the Channel 4 soap for a number of months as a result.

Diane catches Cindy and Suzanne rowing in Hollyoaks
Cindy and Suzanne continue to feud, much to Diane’s dismay (Picture: Lime Pictures)
Cindy throws a glass of wine over Suzanne in Hollyoaks at The Dog
Cindy throws a glass of wine over Suzanne, with Diane kicking them out as a result (Picture: Lime Pictures)
But he’s back next week, as is his Hollyoaks counterpart.

Tony’s delight to be reunited with wife Diane is short-lived, as she runs a red light in her mission to get home to Rose – but she’s spotted by the police.

Horrified, the landlady is forced to reveal to Tony that she had a glass of wine at lunch, begging her husband to say that he was driving.

Tony and Diane in Hollyoaks with a police car in the background
Tony and Diane fear the worst when the police arrive (Picture: Lime Pictures)
Diane is breathalysed in Hollyoaks
Diane is breathalysed (Picture: Lime Pictures)
What happens next remains to be seen but, as confirmed in my pictures, Diane is breathalysed and arrested, with Tony swiftly coming to his wife’s aid.

Things, however, don’t pan out, with Tony also getting carted away in handcuffs! But just what will this mean for his political career? And what about Diane’s job at the school as a counsellor?

Tony handcuffed in Hollyoaks over the car
Tony is taken away in handcuffs (Picture: Lime Pictures)
That remains to be seen but the husband and wife duo end up spending the night in the cells and lets just say that there is animosity aplenty when they’re released with Tony, like the rest of us, concerned about what this will mean for his career.

Oh dear!

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